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"Pierwszy nadajnik Radiostacji Poznańskiej" - Ciekawe eksponaty w zbiorach Muzeum PW/"The first transmitter of the Poznań Radio Station" - Interesting exhibits in the collections of WUT Museum
Zapraszamy do obejrzenia kolejnego filmu z cyklu: Ciekawe eksponaty w zbiorach Muzeum PW - "Pierwszy nadajnik Radiostacji Poznańskiej"
Więcej naszych filmów znaleźć można na stronie Filmy zrealizowane przez Muzeum PW
In November 1999, an object with a long and interesting history - an experimental radio transmitter in a heavy but openwork housing - was transported from the Institute of Radioelectronics of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology to the Museum of the Warsaw University of Technology. And it is the casing that has the longest history. The first transmitter of the Poznań Radio Station was constructed there, operating from April 24, 1927, with a power of 1.5 kW in the area covered by mainly German stations.